Daesung America Inc. was officially established in November of 2006. Since it’s founding, Daesung America (DSA for short) has grown into one of Daesung Group’s prides abroad. Since it’s entrance into the United States, DSA has built and grown two well-operated farms in the central valley of California. Just as California is the “golden state” of the US, our farms, Kim Ranch and Rivera Farm, are our golden farms. It was through these farms that we first explored and witnessed the benefits of organic growing. Unlike our other farms in other continents, our California farms grow organic almonds alongside our conventionally grown nuts (walnuts and almonds). Beyond farming, DSA has also ventured into product sourcing, providing assistance in exporting food globally. With steadfast and loyal local partnerships in the States, Daesung America has been able to widen its perspective and expand / invest in more resources. Yet with more expansion on the horizon (as we have just completed a new joint ventureship to lease and manage more farm operations), we stay true to our roots of wise investing and more importantly, our service to the public good. In short, we do none of this wholly for ourselves.
Kim Ranch
Kim Ranch is currently our sole organic farm. Standing at 36 acres or about 15 hectares, all of Kim is dedicated to organically growing and nurturing our almond trees. This particular farm was purchased close to a year after DSA was established in 2006.
Rivera Farm
Rivera Farm currently grows and produces conventional, non-organic almonds and walnuts. Alongside Kim Ranch, Rivera consists of approximately 34 acres or 14 hectares of land to nurture our almond and walnut trees. Rivera Farm is our only current exisiting farm that grows walnuts.
Here from Our Farms
Hear from Our Farmers
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